Founded in 2001, OAD’s Client Services Program is one of the first social work and re-entry programs of its kind. This unique and innovative Program supports OAD’s clients by providing on-site expertise, assistance, and referrals in the areas of medical, mental health, substance abuse, housing, employment, public assistance benefits, and educational services. Specifically, the Client Services Program offers support in the following areas:

Conditions of Confinement Advocacy

Assisting and advocating for incarcerated clients who are mistreated by prison staff, denied necessary medical or mental health treatment, or experiencing other problems relating to incarceration.  

Parole, Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) and Resentencing Advocacy

Assisting clients with parole hearings, SORA hearings and re-sentencings by helping to gather relevant documentation, securing letters of support and providing written mitigation and advocacy support.

Re-Entry Support

Connecting clients to the appropriate community-based resources necessary for successfully re-entry; and providing case management and supportive counseling for individuals coming home from prison.

The Client Services Program partners with community-based agencies throughout New York City to provide the best possible resources and support to OAD clients.

The Client Services Program also collaborates and liaises with other defender organizations to identify and address chronic and systemic issues related to the criminal justice system.

In all respects, the Client Services Program strives to recognize, honor, and address the unique strengths and traumas presented by individuals who have been incarcerated in New York State prisons and/or processed through the New York City criminal justice system.

For More Information About OAD's Client Services Program: 


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